Released just minutes ago in Italian by the Holy See Press Office. This is a google-aided translation with a few grammar tweaks by yours truly.


The April session of the Council of Cardinals took place on 15 and 16 April at Casa Santa Marta.

The Cardinals who are members and the Council Secretary were joined by the Pope.

On the 15th the reflection on the female role in the Church continued. Contributing to the conversation were  Sister Regina da Costa Pedro of the Congregation of Missionaries of the Immaculate, who brought some concrete stories and thoughts of some Brazilian women, and Prof. Stella Morra, who teaches at the Faculty of Theology of the Pontifical Gregorian University, who examined the role that cultures play in recognizing the role of women in diversity places on the planet.

April 16th began with a report by Cardinal Mario Grech and Mons. Piero Queue on the Synod in progress and concluded, after a reflection on the implementation of the Apostolic Constitution Praedicate evangelium in the diocesan curias, with the reports of each cardinal on the social, political and ecclesial situation of the various regions of origin.

During the session there were references and, on several moments, prayers dedicated to scenarios of war and conflict that are experienced in many places in the world, particularly in the Middle East and Ukraine. The cardinals – and with them the Pope – have expressed concern about this happens and the hope that efforts aimed at identifying negotiation and communication paths will increase peace.

The next Council session will be held in June 2024.