If you want daily inspiration on the Eucharist and don’t have too much time at your disposition, you absolutely need to get Fr. Don Calloway’s book “’Eucharistic Gems’ Daily Wisdom on the Blessed Sacrament.” Each gem – from the writings and teachings of Popes and Saints – needs about the same time as you’d spend saying a Hail Mary! And each gem is followed by a beautiful invocation.

Sample – June 18: The bread and wine are not a type of the Body and Blood of Christ – perish the thought! – but the deified Body itself of the Lord, since the Lord Himself has said, “This is my Body.” He did not say a type of his Body, but his Body, not a type of his Blood, but his Blood – St. John Damascene

Rejoice, O hearts that seek the Lord!


Continue your efforts to contribute to a revival of faith in, and love for, the Holy Eucharist, Pope Francis insisted as he thanked American members of the Committee preparing for the forthcoming National Eucharistic Congress in the United States.

By Deborah Castellano Lubov

“I encourage you to continue your efforts to contribute to a revival of faith in, and love for, the Holy Eucharist, the “source and summit of the Christian life.”

With these words, Pope Francis expressed his gratitude to the members of the Committee preparing the forthcoming National Eucharistic Congress in the United States of America, for their efforts to promote love for the Eucharist.

“Indeed, the Eucharist is God’s response to the deepest hunger of the human heart, the hunger for authentic life, for, in the Eucharist, Christ Himself is truly in our midst, to nourish, console and sustain us on our journey.”

“Sadly nowadays, there are those among the Catholic faithful,” the Pope lamented, “who believe that the Eucharist is more a symbol than the reality of the Lord’s presence and love.”

The Pope also decried that the proper sense of Eucharistic adoration is becoming more and more lost, urging the faithful to combat this trend. Moreover, he urged, we need to value the elderly, often discarded, who, instead, through their prayer and devotion, set a beautiful and powerful example of faith.

Sense of awe at Lord’s gift of Himself

The Pope expressed his wish to bring the Eucharist’s true meaning to the forefront.

“It is my hope, that the Eucharistic Congress will inspire Catholics throughout the country to discover anew the sense of wonder and awe at the Lord’s great gift of Himself…”

He also stated his desire that the Congress inspire the faithful to “spend time with Him in the celebration of the Holy Mass and in personal prayer and adoration, before the Blessed Sacrament.”

“I cannot fail to mention,” the Pope said, “the need for fostering vocations to the priesthood, for as Saint John Paul II said, ‘There can be no Eucharist without the priesthood.’”

“Priests are needed,” he underscored, “to celebrate the Holy Eucharist.”

Where we meet One Who gave everything for us

The Pope called on the faithful to commit themselves, with ever greater zeal, to being missionary disciples of the Lord, in the world.

“In the Eucharist,” the Pope said, “we encounter the One Who gave everything for us, Who sacrificed Himself in order to give us life, Who loved us to the end. We become credible witnesses to the joy and transforming beauty of the Gospel only when we recognize that the love we celebrate in this sacrament, cannot be kept to ourselves, but demands to be shared with all.”

For this reason, he said, the Body of Christ, impels us to a strong and committed love of neighbor, especially those suffering, in need, or weary.

Significant moment in life of US Church

Addressing those gathered before him as friends, the Holy Father recognized, “the National Eucharistic Congress marks a significant moment in the life of the Church in the United States.”

“May all that you are doing,” the Pope said, “be an occasion of grace for each of you, and may it bear fruit in guiding men and women, throughout your nation, to the Lord who, by His presence among us, rekindles hope and renews our lives. ”

Pope Francis concluded by entrusting them to the maternal intercession of Mary Immaculate, assuring them of his prayers for them, their families, and local Churches, and imparting upon them, his blessing.

(JFL: For the three-year program of Eucharistic Revival in the U.S. go to National Eucharistic Revival: A Grassroots Response to God’s Invitation and also 10th National Eucharistic Congress – Official Website   The Revival began on the feast of Corpus Christi a year ago, June 19, 2022 and ends July 17, 2024.)