The following is a riveting 11-minute video of all royal ceremonial events linked to the death of the queen, from Day 1 (her death) to Day 1+1 (today), etc. right up to the funeral:   Operation London Bridge: How the Queen’s funeral will work | ABC News – YouTube


The following photos, with many thanks to Vatican Media and the Vatican’s photo archives,, depict the various meetings that Queen Elizabeth had with four Popes.

The Queen’s 96 years spanned 8 pontificates, starting with Pius XI who was Pope when she was born in 1926. She met Pius XII as a princess in 1951 and then, as Queen, met with 4 Popes: John XXIII, John Paul II (whom she met 3 times 1980, 1982 and 2000), Benedict XVI and Francis. It seems she never met St. Paul VI, nor did she meet Blessed John Paul I during his brief, 33-day pontificate.

For reasons I do not understand, I was unable to do my usual slideshow presentation with the photos provided



POPE BENEDICT XVI (There were many photos of Benedict and the Queen but each photo had a lengthy technical description that I could not eliminate (lens size, shutter speed, light, etc), I only have these three:



I stole some time today to watch some of the royal events in London marking Queen Elizabeth’s 70th anniversary on the throne, her Platinum Jubilee. Beautiful tradition, pageantry and protocol – and a unique, remarkable woman at the center! Such fun to watch! As I watched, I thought back to 1980: I remember being in the San Damaso courtyard in Vatican City when Queen Elizabeth came to the Vatican in 1980. I took a few photos but also had a video camera and started filming but had to stop as I was not accredited at the time as a photographer!  I wonder where on earth that video is!  Will try to find it!  I remember being VERY impressed with the car that brought the Queen and Prince Philip into the courtyard, especially because it had both the Royal Standard of the United Kingdom and the flag of Vatican City State!  I did not know if that was usual protocol but I remember being impressed!

Now, read on…

Muslim and Protestant politicians receive Communion at German Catholic event | Catholic News Agency

How excruciatingly sad!

No wonder that the faithful are confused about the Catholic Church. The basic teachings of the Catholic faith today appear to vary from country, from diocese to diocese!

We profess to be the “one, holy, Catholic and apostolic Church.”

Nota bene that that line in the Creed begins with the word “one.”

Right now it does not seem that we are “one.”

So people are asking: Who is right? Who (priest, bishop or cardinal) is following and teaching the Church’s Magisterium? Canon Law?   Who is not? Who is tweaking that teaching to be something else?

If we are “one,” can we have a bishop who cites Canon 915 (“Those who have been excommunicated or interdicted after the imposition or declaration of the penalty and others obstinately persevering in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to holy communion”) to ban a member of the faithful from communion, and other bishops who allow those who “persist in manifest grave sin” to go to communion?

What am I to think as a Catholic? Is that not beyond confusing for faithful Catholics who follow the Church’s Magisterium?

The Church’s teaching, her orthodoxy, her Magisterium are out there for all to see, read and know. It’s called Canon Law. It’s called the Catechism of the Catholic Church. It’s even called the Bible!

The website offers a resource page: The Holy See – Archive (

Don’t be put off by the amount of materials offered here for your study. If you have a specific question, choose a resource (most likely, Canon Law or the catechism) and ask that question. You might actually find that reading a bit of Canon Law is not only instructive, it can be very interesting! Those are the materials I use when I prepare articles for this page, explain papal documents, homilies or other communications as well as answer your questions.


Today, the start of four days of celebration for Queen Elizabeth’s Platinum Jubilee for her 70 years on the throne, Pope Francis sent a telegram of congratulations and prayers to the monarch.

“On this joyful occasion of your Majesty’s birthday,” began the Holy Father, “and as you celebrate this Platinum Jubilee year, I send cordial greetings and good wishes, together with the renewed assurance of my prayers that Almighty God will bestow upon you, the members of the Royal Family and all the people of the nation blessings of unity, prosperity and peace.”

Vatican news added that, “The Pope also said he joined with those expressing appreciation for her persevering and steadfast service to the good of the nation, “the advancement of its people, and the preservation of its illustrious spiritual, cultural and political heritage.”

The Vatican report also noted that, in recognition of the monarch’s commitment to the care of God’s creation, Pope Francis is donating a Cedar of Lebanon to the Queen’s Green Canopy initiative. This invited people throughout the United Kingdom to “Plant a Tree for the Jubilee.”

Pope Francis met the Queen and her late husband Prince Philip, in 2014. She first visited the Vatican in 1951 as a princess and met Pope Pius XII. (Vatican photo)

As Queen, Elizabeth has met four Popes. On May 5, 1961, she was received by Pope John XXIII at the Vatican. In 1980, on a state visit to the Vatican, she met Pope John Paul II for the first time. In 1982, John Paul visited Great Britain where the two met again. In 2000, for the Great Jubilee, Queen Elizabeth again visited the Vatican and John Paul II. She met Pope Benedict on his 2010 visit to Great Britain: the two met in Edinburgh, Scotland. As noted, the Queen and Prince Philip were welcomed by Pope Francis in 2014.