The diocesan phase of Joseph Dutton’s cause was closed yesterday in Honolulu, Hawaii. It was during a special Mass, a moment for me that was filled with great joy but you could see some tears through the joy.

On December 18, I wrote about my just-concluded trip to Honolulu: When an historical commission for a cause of canonization has finished its work, the Vatican asks that all members meet within the diocese of the cause for canonization, and there is a specific agenda for that meeting, including the fact that each member of the commission presents a written report of their year or more of work on the cause, questions are asked of each one of us, and we must sign a number of documents in the presence of the diocesan notary.

I was on the Historical Commission for the cause of canonization of Joseph Dutton and we finished our work in November and had our meeting in the diocese of Honolulu in December, as you know from what I have posted.

I learned in December that, the commission’s work being done, Mass would be held on January 21 in Honolulu’s Our Lady of Peace cathedral to close the diocesan phase of the cause for Dutton, a huge moment on any path to canonization! Two copies of our reports would now go to Rome to be studied and evaluated by dicastery staff. One copy of the commission reports stays in the diocese that originated the cause.

I knew only one thing. After years of work on the Dutton Guild and then almost a year of research for the Historical Commission, I would have to be at that January 21 Mass!

However, the Lord had other plans. The back pain issues I have been suffering since my return from Hawaii, obviously meant that trip would not happen.

Thus, yesterday, January 21 was a day when I smiled through tears. Several of my dearest friends did a Face Time with me while waiting in the cathedral for Mass and I truly felt present because I’ve been there many times for Mass.

The noon Mass presided over by Bishop Larry Silva was streamed live so I was able to follow that, including a final half hour dedicated to the administrative matters that close a diocesan phase for a cause of canonization.  I saw so many of my Hawaii friends, especially those on the Dutton Guild, such as Guild president Dr. Maria Devera, Pat Boland, a Guild member and member of the Historical Commission, and Msgr. Robert Sarno, episcopal delegate to Dutton’s cause.

Now is the time for prayer. Prayer that the cause proceeds positively in Rome. Prayer that, through the intercession of Servant of God Joseph Dutton, a miracle occurs. One miracle is needed for beatification and a second miracle for canonization. That second miracle must occur after beatification.

No photos of yesterday’s Mass at this moment.

The following story almost seems miraculous!|

Lost Joseph Dutton collection found in Wisconsin parish rectory basement


Here’s the great website put together by the Dutton Guild of the diocese of Honolulu:



I spent a good part of my afternoon writing a very long column to which I intended to add a few photos but some technical difficulties have arisen that have made that impossible. I hope to remedy things tomorrow morning and thus tell you the great story of why I am here in Honolulu. When I told people I was coming for work, most replied, with a big smile on their face, “yeah, right!”

I wrote about my work on the Historical Commission for the cause of canonization of Servant of God Joseph Dutton on the column I posted last Tuesday before I left Rome for Hawaii so you can take a look at that. I also just posted a brief comment on my Facebook page.

Stay tuned…!  Thanks for understanding!


As you may know, I am on the Historical Commission for the Cause of Canonization of Servant of God Joseph Dutton who worked for 44 years on Molokai with Saints Damien and Marianne caring for the victims of leprosy. When such a commission closes its work, a meeting must be held in the diocese of the cause for canonization with all members present. This is required by the dicastery for the causes of saints to which we will send our report.

I leave tomorrow for Honolulu for several days of work with other members of the commission. I fly to Newark, spend the night and then take United’s 8:30 am nonstop flight to Honolulu – half way around the world from Rome – 12 time zones!

I doubt I’ll have time to post a blog, but you never know.! In any case, you might  check my Facebook and Twitter/X pages.


On the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, Pope Francis will pay homage to the Blessed Virgin Mary with a Golden Rose placed at the feet of the ancient Roman icon of ‘Maria Salus Populi Romani’.
By Vatican News

Pope Francis will venerate Our Lady with a Golden Rose for the Marian icon of the Salus Populi Romani in the Basilica of St. Mary Major on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.

He will travel to the Basilica on 8 December to accomplish this historic gesture which has not been performed in 400 years.

In the afternoon, as is traditional, the Pope will perform an Act of Veneration to the Blessed Virgin Mary before the statue of the Immaculate Conception in Rome’s central Piazza di Spagna.

Just ahead of that visit, he will stop at the papal basilica of St. Mary Major with his gift for Our Lady.

An ancient gift
The Golden Rose has ancient roots, symbolising the papal blessing, and the tradition of this gift dates back to the Middle Ages. Over the centuries, it has been given to monasteries, shrines, sovereigns, and prominent personalities in recognition of their commitment to faith and the common good.

As explained by a statement issued by the Basilica, with the gift of the Rose to the Salus Populi Romani, “Pope Francis highlights the spiritual importance and profound significance that this icon holds in the life of the Catholic Church, as it is also the oldest Marian shrine in the West dedicated to the Mother of God.”

FYI: Here is a great piece from the University of Dayton on the fascinating history of the Golden Rose, :


Two wonderful stories from today!  I am especially delighted at the news about Cardinal Pironio as I met him a number of times while working at the Vatican, but my most vivid memories are of our encounters at the 1993 World Youth Day in Denver when we met on a number of occasions. I was with the papal party at the time and had occasion to spend some quality time with the Vatican prelates in Denver for WYD, in  particular Cardinal Pironio who, at the time, headed the Council for the Laityy, the office that organized World Youth Days. I was always impressed by the cardinal’s humility and simplicity, his great love of the faith and the Church and I always sensed a holiness about him.

I well remember him telling me one day the story of how he was the last of 22 children his mother was not supposed to have, according to her doctor!  I remember tearing up when Pope John Paul told the very same story at the cardinal’s funeral on February 7, 1998:

“His was a faith learned at his mother’s knee. A woman of solid yet simple Christian background, she was able to impress the genuine Gospel meaning of life on her children’s hearts. “In the history of my family”, the late Cardinal said one day, “there is something miraculous. When she gave birth to her first son, my mother was barely 18 years old and fell seriously ill. After her recovery the doctors told her that she would not be able to have any more children without risking her own life. So she went to consult the Auxiliary Bishop of La Plata, who told her: ‘Doctors can be mistaken: put yourself in God’s hands and do your duty as a wife’. My mother then gave birth to 21 more. I am the last, and she lived until she was 82. But the story does not end here, for in later years I was appointed Auxiliary Bishop of La Plata, replacing the very Bishop who had blessed my mother. On the day of my episcopal ordination,” Cardinal Pironio continued, “the Archbishop gave me that Bishop’s pectoral cross without knowing the story behind it. When I told him that I owed my life to the cross’ owner, he wept.”


Pope Francis baptises three-month-old Ukrainian baby, Zakhariy, the youngest of ten children of a Ukrainian couple, during a liturgy in the chapel of his Casa Santa Marta residence.

By Vatican News

The Ukrainian parents of Zakhariy, a three-month-old baby boy baptised by Pope Francis in the chapel of his residence, Casa Santa Marta, on Monday afternoon, 6 November, were graced with a joyful moment in a very difficult period.

The 37-year-old father’s name is Vitaly, and his 35-year-old wife’s is Vita, 35. Their littlest one is the most recent arrival of their ten children, composed of seven boys and three girls.

The family lives in Kamianets-Podilskyi, in western Ukraine, a region relatively distant from the frontlines of the war unleashed by Russia in February last year.

They belong to the Neocatechumenal Way and say that in recent years they have experienced God’s Providence in the midst of many family difficulties, which were further aggravated by the Russian invasion.

“We endure everything thanks to God, because God always takes care of our family,” says Vita “There is war in the country,” and “it is very difficult. Everyone is praying for this war to end soon, for all the prisoners to return home and for there to be no more killing.”

“The Baptism was a great gift for our family,” she adds. “I could never have even dreamed that we could be with the Holy Father and that he could baptise our son. But God is making such a wonderful story with us, which we still do not fully understand.”

Bishop Leon Dubrawski, the Latin rite bishop of Kamianets-Podilskyi, was also present at the liturgy, and accompanied the couple to the Vatican.

He recalled how God’s love is transmitted from generation to generation through the family.

As recently as Wednesday, Pope Francis continues to remind the world of the drama endured by the “martyred Ukrainian people.”

The baptism of little Zakhariy offers a new hope for this numerous family that cannot forget the war, but continues to have faith in a peaceful future.


Pope Francis recognises a miracle attributed to the intercession of Cardinal Edoardo Francisco Pironio, and proclaims the “heroic virtues” of three other individuals.

By Joseph Tulloch

Pope Francis has recognised a miracle attributed to the intercession of Edoardo Francisco Pironio, the Argentine Cardinal known to many as “the friend of God.”

In an audience on Wednesday morning with the prefect of the Dicastery for the Cause of the Saints, Pope Francis gave his assent to the publication of a decree regarding the miracle, thus paving the way for Pironio’s beatification.

Legacy of service
Cardinal Pironio was born in Argentina in 1920, to a family of Italian immigrants. He was the last of 23 children.

During his lifetime, he was well-known for his humility and profound spirituality, as well as for his close relationships with the homeless people living in the vicinity of St Peter’s Square.

Once considered a leading candidate for the papacy, he was a key figure in the Latin American Church, serving as both secretary and president of the Latin American Episcopal Conference.

In 1975, Pope Paul VI called him to Rome, where he was created cardinal. From 1984 to 1996, he served as president of the Pontifical Council for the Laity.

Cardinal Pironio died in Rome in 1998, after a long and difficult illness.

Pope Francis: Pironio ‘never closed the door to anyone’
During his time in Argentina, Pironio met with Jorge Mario Bergoglio, then provincial of the Jesuits, later to become Pope Francis.

In an interview, the Pope said of Pironio: “When you spoke with him, he always gave you the feeling that he was the worst man in the world, the worst sinner.”

“He would open a panorama of holiness to you from his profound humility. He opened horizons for you; you realised that he never closed the door to anyone, even people he knew did not understand him,” said Pope Francis.

Heroic virtues recognised
During the meeting on Wednesday, Pope Francis also recognized the “heroic virtues” of three individuals – Giuseppe Marrazzo, Eliswa of the Blessed Virgin Mary (born Eliswa Vakayil), and Francesca Foresti (born Eleanora).

Two of these – Marrazzo, a Rogationist priest, and Foresti, a Franciscan nun – were Italian, while Sr. Eliswa hailed from the Indian state of Kerala.

The Pope’s decision means that all three – already recognised as Servants of God – will now be recognised as Venerable, the next step in the beatification process.


For the latest in papal interviews: Pope: peace between Russia and Ukraine is possible, don’t forget the poor – Vatican News


What an exciting guest I have this weekend and next on Vatican Insider! I feature an off-the-cuff interview with Fr. John Paul Kimes, Canon law professor at the university of Notre Dame and member of the Historical Commission for the cause of canonization of Servant of God Joseph Dutton. Dutton, a layman was companion, caregiver and friend for 44 years, alongside Sts. Damien and Marianne Cope, to the victims of leprosy on Kalaupapa, a peninsula of the Hawaiian island of Molokai.

Father John Paul and I spoke after a recent event in Honolulu for this cause of canonization, a gala, fund-raising luncheon that brought together just under 500 people from several Hawaiian islands. He gave an over-the-top keynote address at that event! This took place during a week in Hawaii in which I was also sworn in as a member of the Historical Commission, a huge honor!

Father Kimes, a riveting storyteller, tells us about the link between Notre Dame University and Joseph Dutton and explains what he has learned of Dutton by researching the university archives on this Servant of God. You’ll love every minute of our conversation!

Fr. John Paul had arrived in Honolulu the night before the luncheon and had to get to the airport almost immediately afterwards for his return flight so finding time – and a place! – to have this conversation was a real blessing, almost a miracle.

The only available space, in fact, was in a small hallway off the main hallway not far from the room where our luncheon was. A table and two unoccupied chairs seemed to be waiting just for us. Not an acoustically perfect setting, however, so you’ll hear some faint background conversation as people walk by in the main hall but Father John Paul is such a great storyteller that you may not even note it!

Here we are with Msgr. Robert Sarno who worked for 38 years in Rome at the Congregation for the Causes of Saints.

IN THE UNITED STATES, you can listen to Vatican Insider (VI) on a Catholic radio station near you (stations listed at or on channel 130 Sirius-XM satellite radio, or on OUTSIDE THE U.S., you can listen to EWTN radio on our website home page by clicking on the right side where you see “LISTEN TO EWTN.” VI airs at 5am and 9pm ET on Saturdays and 6am ET on Sundays. On the GB-IE feed (which is on SKY in the UK and Ireland), VI airs at 5:30am, 12 noon and 10pm CET on Sundays. Both of these feeds are also available on the EWTN app and on ALWAYS CHECK YOUR OWN TIME ZONE! For VI archives: go to and write the name of the guest for whom you are searching in the SEARCH box. Below that, will appear “Vatican Insider” – click on that and the link to that particular episode will appear.



Welcome to Vatican Insider at this halfway point of May! This week, in the interview segment, I’ve prepared a Special on Joseph Dutton, called Brother Joseph by St. Damien of Molokai, and later by St. Marianne Cope. This layman came to the island of Molokai at the age of 44 and then for 44 years worked with Fr. Damien and later Mother Marianne caring for the victims of leprosy who had been exited there by the King of Hawaii.

At Mass in Honolulu’s cathedral on May 10, Bishop Larry Silva formally opened the Diocesan Inquiry Phase of the cause of canonization of Servant of God Joseph Dutton.

In a letter to the diocese before the Mass, Bishop Larry wrote: “On Tuesday, May 10, 2022, I will celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass at 6:00 p.m. at the Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace.   It is the Memorial of St. Damien DeVeuster. At the end of the Mass, there will be a short ceremony to formally open the Diocesan Inquiry Phase of the cause of Servant of God Joseph Dutton.The members of the Joseph Dutton Guild will be present, and the officials who will play various roles in the investigation of the cause will take their oaths of office.”

Several years ago I was asked to become a member of that guild for the cause of canonization of Joseph Dutton. It has been a joy to work with the incredible members and to have reached such a high point as the May 10 Mass. I usually attend one guild meeting a year in person but Covid, and some restrictions in Hawaii, kept me from visiting in 2020 and 2021. I am hoping to remedy that this year!

Bishop Larry also wrote: “It should be noted that beatification and canonization in the Catholic Church is a rigorous process, and there is no guarantee that the process will finally result in Joseph Dutton’s beatification or canonization. Nevertheless, many of the faithful in the Diocese of Honolulu and in other parts of the world have spoken favorably and are hopeful that Joseph Dutton’s holiness of life will be deemed by the Church to be worthy of public veneration and imitation. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will guide this process to its completion according to the will of God and for the good of his holy Church.”

So tune in to that wonderful story after the news segment of Vatican Insider!

(I did post most of this information on my May 10 blog if it seems familiar!)

IN THE UNITED STATES, you can listen to Vatican Insider (VI) on a Catholic radio station near you (stations listed at or on channel 130 Sirius-XM satellite radio, or on OUTSIDE THE U.S., you can listen to EWTN radio on our website home page by clicking on the right side where you see “LISTEN TO EWTN.” VI airs at 5am and 9pm ET on Saturdays and 6am ET on Sundays. On the GB-IE feed (which is on SKY in the UK and Ireland), VI airs at 5:30am, 12 noon and 10pm CET on Sundays. Both of these feeds are also available on the EWTN app and on ALWAYS CHECK YOUR OWN TIME ZONE! For VI archives: go to and write the name of the guest for whom you are searching in the SEARCH box. Below that, will appear “Vatican Insider” – click on that and the link to that particular episode will appear.





I was truly delighted today when I learned that Pope Francis today authorized the Congregation for Causes of Saints to promulgate 5 decrees, including “the heroic virtues” of Servant of God Argentinean Cardinal Edoardo Francesco Pironio, who died on February 5, 1998 in Rome.

Cardinal Pironio was one of the first cardinals I got to meet when I started working at the Vatican Information Service in August 1990.

Bear with me for a minute as I tell the story….

VIS, the Vatican Information Service, was born shortly before my arrival in the Eternal City. VIS was to be part of the Holy See Press Office, a daily news service in English and Spanish (French and Italian were later added) that would be sent to bishops and nuncios throughout the world. The first VIS news transmission was December 28, 1990 over the Christmas holidays in the Vatican.

Transmitted by fax, the bishops and nuncios had to subscribe to this service. We learned that they were more than anxious to pay for receiving daily, updated news from the Vatican from a source considered “official,” that is, the press office. It’s important to remember that there was no such thing as email at the time – the entire Internet world we as know it – the “www” world (world wide web) – was on the cusp of birth, so daily news bulletins by fax were the next best thing.

Because many in the Roman Curia thought that Vatican Information Service was an outside news source, it was decided that the then director, Pietro Brunori and I, speaking the two languages of VIS, would visit the heads of all Roman Curia offices and explain this new Vatican body. We also wanted the heads of the congregations and pontifical councisl to know that we’d love to hear from them, we’d love to publish their news and updates, planned travels and conferences, etc.

One of the cardinals we visited was, as you have guessed, Cardinal Pironio. If one thing stands out from that long ago meeting it was my impression that I was in the presence of a very holy man. That impression only became stronger with every meeting I had with the cardinal, especially when I was asked to be part of the papal party for the 1993 World Youth Day in Denver.

In 1984, Pope John Paul II had named Cardinal Pironio president of the Pontifical Council for the Laity and, until he retired in 1996, the cardinal worked with John Paul to promote the new and very popular World Youth Days.

I could write a long and separate chapter on those heady, wonderful, demanding and very happy days in Denver and that shall be for another day. The one thing that grew in my nine days in Denver was the feeling that I was always in the presence of a very saintly man – not just a good, caring, kind, thoughtful, loving man, but a holy man.

And it was in Denver that I first heard the most amazing story – a story Cardinal Pironio told months before his death and a story that Pope John Paul told in his homily at the cardinal’s funeral in February 1998:

“His was a faith learned at his mother’s knee. A woman of solid yet simple Christian background, she was able to impress the genuine Gospel meaning of life on her children’s hearts. “In the history of my family”, the late Cardinal said one day, “there is something miraculous. When she gave birth to her first son, my mother was barely 18 years old and fell seriously ill. After her recovery the doctors told her that she would not be able to have any more children without risking her own life. So she went to consult the Auxiliary Bishop of La Plata, who told her: ‘Doctors can be mistaken: put yourself in God’s hands and do your duty as a wife’. My mother then gave birth to 21 more. I am the last, and she lived until she was 82. But the story does not end here, for in later years I was appointed Auxiliary Bishop of La Plata, replacing the very Bishop who had blessed my mother. On the day of my episcopal ordination”, Cardinal Pironio continued, “the Archbishop gave me that Bishop’s pectoral cross without knowing the story behind it. When I told him that I owed my life to the cross’s owner, he wept”.

“I wanted to mention this episode recounted by the Cardinal himself because it highlights the reasons which sustained his journey of faith. His life was a hymn of faith to the God of life. He says so again in his Spiritual Testament: “How beautiful it is to live! You have made us, O Lord, for life. I love it, I offer it, I await it. You are my Life, as you have always been my Truth and my Way.”

Truly the words of a holy man!

The cause for canonization of Cardinal Pironio began on June 23, 2006, in Rome.