At the end of a day with many unexpected happenings, I find there is no time left to finish the piece I have started on my visit to the Benedictine Monastery of Brevnov. I want to do it justice and accompany it by some of the many photos I took so I’ll dedicate special time to that story tomorrow.

I’m sure you saw my earlier post on vespers and the encounter by Pope Francis with 70,000 young altar servers from around the world. Perhaps you even saw some of it on TV or followed live coverage, as you can of similar papal events, on http://www.vaticannews,va

In addition to “programmed” work days and/or “unexpected happenings,” I have computer issues that enormously slow me down every single day – has been this way for months with no remedy in sight except to bring the computer to the tech people at the store where I bought it in December. However, I’m afraid the idea of turning my computer over to people I don’t know terrifies me. Yes, of course, I have a backup on an external hard drive.

Bearing in mind I’ve not dropped my computer or spilled anything on it, here and the three main issues I’m dealing with:

1. The cursor goes where it wants when it wants. I can be typing a story or an email or whatever and when I cannot see the last words I just typed, I search high and low on the page and voila, there it is, usually a couple of lines or a paragraph above the one I was writing.
2. The language changes whenever the computer feels that should be done. I am programmed for English UK – Italian keyboard. BUT, in the middle of a sentence (throughout my working day) it changes to English UK – UK keyboard – all the symbols are different – quote marks, parentheses, astericks, etc.
3. The absolute worst part is that, without any warning whatsoever, I can lose the last line or paragraph of whatever I have been typing. If I have failed to save a document for a line or two or a para or two, those lines or that para is gone (you cannot see it but my cursor just moved as I was typing those last words!). I have NO idea what key – or combination thereof! – I have touched – certainly not the ‘delete’ key!

All of the above have happened in each of the preceding paragraphs!


Just for fun, here are a few of the photos I took during my time in Prague that will give you just a small idea of the variety, the charm and the beauty of the buildings in Prague.

I offer a few single pictures and then a slideshow:

And now a slideshow:

And this structure is know as the “the dancing couple” – sometimes called “Fred and Ginger” (as in Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers from days well gone by)