This morning, at the beautiful and historic Altar of the Chair in St. Peter’s Basilica, 18 young men, seminarians at the North American College, were ordained transitional deacons. They represent 14 U.S. dioceses and the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter.

This always one of my favorite liturgical events of the entire year. To watch these young men as their lives are changed forever in a brief and beautiful ceremony, is awe-inspiring. Family members and friends came in great numbers, including 40 Americans from Aviano Air Force Base in northern Italy who told me they have been blessed to have 3 of the new deacons come for visits and some evangelization over the years. One guest told me, “we just had to be present for such a momentous occasion!”

One of my favorite moments is when the newly-ordained deacons, wearing their dalmatics, process down the main aisle to a table bearing chalices, and then process back to the sanctuary with those chalices. I love the expressions on their faces – awe, wonderment, a big but holy smile, an awareness of a new responsibility.

USCCB photo:

The seminarians are ordained to the diaconate at the start of their fourth year in Rome. At the end of this year, they will return to their home dioceses where they will be ordained priests.

For the first time in the years I have attended this event, I was not in a good position to take decent photos, but here is a link to video and photos on the site of U.S. bishops: https://www.usccb.org/news/2023/18-us-seminarians-ordained-deacons-st-peters-basilica#:~:text=Deacons%20for%20a%20synodal%20church,heal%20divisions%20in%20the%20church.


New Cardinal Chow Sau-yan: Pope Francis has a nickname – the Pope of Surprises

The 21 new cardinals-elect did not know they will be appointed. That is why Pope Francis is called the Pope of Surprises, says one of the new cardinals, Stephen Chow Sau-yan, bishop of Hong Kong.

By Sr. Nina Benedikta Krapić, VMZ

Prior to the consistory for the appointment of 21 new cardinals to be held on 30 September 30, the cardinals-elect met with the press at the Holy See Press Office.

Cardinals from around the world expressed their surprise at the appointments made by Pope Francis. We spoke with newly elected Cardinal Stephen Chow Sau-yan, bishop of Hong Kong.

“Pope Francis has a nickname, the Pope of surprises,” he said and explained how he received the news of his election.

“I was not told. I got the news from some friends in Rome. I was having dinner with my family. And I said, did you send the wrong person? They said, no, it’s not wrong, check the Angelus. I was really surprised”, said Chow Sau-yan. https://www.vaticannews.va/en/vatican-city/news/2023-09/cardinal-chow-sau-yan-consistory.html

Cardinal-elect Brislin: The position of a cardinal is about serving

Ahead of Saturday’s consistory, when Pope Francis will appoint 21 new cardinals, newly elected Cardinal Stephen Brislin, archbishop of Cape Town, spoke with Vatican News about his new role. “It’s not about an honor, it’s about serving”, he said.
By Sr. Nina Benedikta Krapić, VMZ

The Holy Father will celebrate a consistory for the appointment of 21 new cardinals on Saturday, 30 September 2023, at the Vatican. The new cardinals come from all over the world. Prior to the consistory, the new cardinals met with the press on 28 September, at the Holy See Press Office.

Stephen Brislin, archbishop of Cape Town in South Africa, is one of the newly elected cardinals. He spoke to Vatican News, saying he was very shocked by the news of his appointment as cardinal. “I will try to be of service”, he said.

Cardinal Brislin was born Sept. 25, 1956, in Welkom. He studied Philosophy at St John Vianney, Pretoria, and Theology at the London Missionary Institute. He was ordained a priest in 1983. Pope Benedict XVI appointed him bishop of Kroonstad, South Africa, and he was ordained Jan. 28, 2007. On Dec. 18, 2009, he was elected archbishop of Cape Town. He also served as president of the South African Bishops’ Conference.

Speaking to Vatican News, Cardinal Brislin highlighted that the role of a cardinal is about serving.

“Pope Francis has really made that a very important point, it’s not about an honour or a privilege it’s about serving the Church and serving God’s kingdom. I will try to faithfully do that as best I can, but I’ve got a lot to learn”, says Cardinal Brislin. https://www.vaticannews.va/en/vatican-city/news/2023-09/cardinal-brislin-south-africa-consistory.html