Hiding Behind Labels

Today, with a home field advantage in the New York Times, Governor Cuomo linked me with the “religious right.”

This is something new from the governor. He did not consider me part of the “religious right” when seeking my help with the minimum wage increase, prison reform, protection of migrant workers, a welcome of immigrants and refugees, and advocacy for college programs for the state’s inmate population, which we were happy to partner with him on, because they were our causes too. I guess I was part of the “religious left” in those cases.

The civil rights of the helpless, innocent, baby in the womb, as liberal Democrat Pennsylvania Governor Robert Casey once remarked is not about “right versus left, but right versus wrong.”

The governor also continues his attempt to reduce the advocacy for the human rights of the pre-born infant to a “Catholic issue,” an insult to our allies of so many religions, or none at all. Governor Casey again: “I didn’t get my pro-life belief from my religion class in a Catholic school, but from my biology and U.S. Constitution classes.”

Yes, religion is personal; it’s hardly private, as the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s life and struggle for civil rights so eloquently showed. Governor Cuomo’s professed faith teaches discrimination against immigrants is immoral, too. Does that mean he cannot let that moral principle guide his public policy? Clearly not.

Debate abortion on what it is. Don’t hide behind labels like “right wing” and “Catholic.”

(Dolan statement dated February 7:


This has to be the saddest, most unimaginable story possible about U.S. legislators! I have a few comments at the end.


ALBANY, N.Y., JAN 23, 2019 / 03:27 PM (EWTN NEWS/CNA)

Catholic leaders in New York have spoken out against the passage of an expansive new abortion law in the state. The Reproductive Health Act was passed on Tuesday, the anniversary of the Supreme Court decision Roe v Wade.

In a statement from the New York State Catholic Conference, the state’s bishops called the passage of the law a new “sad chapter” on a date that already carried tragic associations for supporters of life.

The New York State Senate voted 38 to 24 to bring the act into law after a 12-year legislative battle.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D), a Catholic, said earlier this month that he would sign the legislation if it were to be passed, and that he hopes to add abortion rights to the state’s constitution. This process could begin next year.

The bill was passed on the anniversary of the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that found a woman had a legal right to receive abortion in the United States.

“Our beloved state has become a more dangerous one for women and their unborn babies,” read a statement from the NYSCC.

The act codified into law the finding of Roe v. Wade, meaning that abortion would remain legal in New York even if the case were to be overturned by the Supreme Court.

While the law officially limits abortion to the first 24 weeks gestation, abortion is permitted at a later gestational age for reasons related to the well-being of the mother. Additionally, the bill removes act of abortion from the criminal code, and instead places it in the public-health code, and strips most safeguards and regulations on the procedure. Non-doctors will now be permitted to perform abortions.


About the last Paragraph above: “While the law officially limits abortion to the first 24 weeks gestation, abortion is permitted at a later gestational age for reasons related to the well-being of the mother. Additionally, the bill removes act of abortion from the criminal code, and instead places it in the public-health code, and strips most safeguards and regulations on the procedure. Non-doctors will now be permitted to perform abortions.”

Whew! So abortion is now part of public health care!

Here are some definitions of the word ‘Care’:


1. the provision of what is necessary for the health, welfare, maintenance, and protection of someone or something: “the care of the elderly”
SYNONYMS: safe keeping, supervision, custody, charge, protection, keeping, keep, control, management, ministration, guidance, superintendence, tutelage, aegis, responsibility;

2. serious attention or consideration applied to doing something correctly or to avoid damage or risk: “he planned his departure with great care”
SYNONYMS: caution, carefulness, wariness, awareness, heedfulness, heed, attention, attentiveness, alertness, watchfulness, vigilance, circumspection, prudence, guardedness, observance


1. feel concern or interest; attach importance to something: “they don’t care about human life”
SYNONYMS:  be concerned, worry (oneself), trouble oneself, bother, mind;

2. look after and provide for the needs of: “he has numerous animals to care for”
SYNONYMS:  look after, take care of, tend, attend to, mind, minister to, take charge of, nurse, provide for, foster, protect, watch, guard;

Whew again! “Non-doctors will now be able to perform abortions.” I don’t even know what to say about this!!

I just don’t get it. Killing a human being in the womb is perfectly legal but if someone shot the governor, another human being, that would be murder and they’d go to jail.

The article says Cuomo is a Catholic but that is obviously up for debate. Or does he think the Fifth Commandment is not a commandment but a suggestion?

I’d hate to have to meet my Maker with that on my conscience!