Today, December 26, the day after Christmas, is also a big holiday in Italy, the feast of St. Stephen, Santo Stefano, so, depending on one’s work, Italians had from two to four days off in this holiday period. The hospitality industry, of course, was vibrant with activity over the weekend but most restaurants, coffee bars, etc, closed Christmas Day and today. This is such a wonderful idea as it allows families to be together for these important religious festivities. And remember, we celebrate the feast of the Holy Family next Sunday, December 31.

By the way, happy onomastico or name day to all those with the name Stephen!

These are a few photos from my celebrations of the last two days. Sunday, December 24 began, of course, with Mass at St. Patrick’s, the church in Rome for Catholic Americans and other English-speaking Catholics. Newt and Callista Gingrich, very good friends for many years, have been coming to Rome at Christmas the past few years and attended the 10:30 Mass at St. Patrick’s.  Afterwards we went to one of our favorite brunch spots, Homebaked, to have a great meal and spend time with dear friends, Jesse and Carolina Smeal, our wonderful hosts!

Christmas Day began as it always should, with a beautiful, joyful Mass at St. Patrick’s. I was a lector, as I had been on Sunday, always an honor and joy, as you can see in this photo that Callista took.  Photos also feature our very special Paulist Fathers Greg Apparcel and Matt Berrios, who celebrated Mass, Peter Alegi, a longtime parishioner and lawyer and Daniel, our wonderful sacristan. The Paulists will mark 102 years of serving Catholics in Rome in January 2024!

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A terrific Christmas lunch – and a good portion of the afternoon! – was celebrated at Il Matriciano restaurant, a big favorite of Romans!

Days to remember with a warm heart and a big smile on my face!  I credit Callista with all the photos because I have been laboring with a mobility issue due to back pain that I’ve had for over a week and just getting around was my main focus! Callista is such a good photographer that I let her tell the story!

I hope that all of you, my wonderful readers, many of whom have become friends over the years, had a very special Christmas and that its spirit lasts well into the New Year! In fact, may it be with you and yours throughout the year!  I always keep some reminder of Christmas up all year – a nativity set, a special ornament in plain sight, a small pillow with the words ‘Merry Christmas’.